mommy's style

mommy's style
mommy's style

kumquat's style

kumquat's style
kumquat's style

shop our closet

shop our closet
shop our closet


never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.
-F. Scott Fitzgerald

These photos are from the lovely City Creek Center, the new mall in downtown Salt Lake City. They are all taken with my phone, out the window of a moving vehicle. This lucky girl won a $200 trip to the dental surgeon to have a wisdom tooth pulled today. Thus the lack of outfit postage, and also the general lack of enthusiasm tonight. I couldn't even muster up the energy to go inside the mall - that alone should tell you how non-awesome I felt post-non-op.

I did look pretty smashing, though. I wore my new Zara printed trousers and a bright blue tunic tank; felt like PJ's to me, but I received more than a few random compliments and the dental assistant ladies all thought I looked snazzy. Well, duh - this is me we're talking about, after all.

On a less lighthearted note, there happens to be a lot going on up inside my pretty little head tonight. I'm too exhausted and still too close to it to explore it right now, but I feel so inescapably unprotected beneath this impending sense of doom I refuse to accept defeat as the only possible outcome.

Slightly undercooked french fries count as soft, non-solid foods, right?
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